A generic air quality management plan for Municipalities


  • J.C ENGELBRECHT Tshwane University of Technology, Faculty of Science, Department of Environmental Health, Private Bag X680, Pretoria. 0001. South Africa
  • VD WALT School of Environmental Sciences and Development, North-West University, Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom. 2520. South Africa.




air quality management plans, municipalities, air quality management


Air quality management in South Africa has undergone drastic changes since the implementation of the National Environmental: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004). The new Act shifts the emphasis fiom point-source control to proactively protecting the receiving environment. In keeping with the new approach, it is a legal requirement that Municipalities must compile and implement air quality management plans (AQMPs) as part of their Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). Although an explicit requirement of the Act, no clear guidelines exist for regulating bodies, includmg Municipalities, regarding the contents of such plans. The main findings of the study revealed a lack of air quality management infrastructure and a shortage of experienced, qualified staff to develop,
implement and maintain air quality management plans. Financial constraints were also identified as a big concern to manage air quality. Although it is an explicit requirement by the Act, very few municipalities have approved AQMPs, nor appointed air quality officers. A generic air quality management plan framework (AQMPF) for all tiers of govenunent was developed to assist regulating authorities when compiling air quality management
plans. Although generic, this AQMPF was found to be applicable to Municipalities as well. Due to the fact that a lack of training has been identified as a critical gap in the successful implementation and maintenance of an AQMP, this study makes a significant contribution to the identification of generic training outcomes


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How to Cite

ENGELBRECHT, J., & WALT, V. (2007). A generic air quality management plan for Municipalities. Clean Air Journal, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.17159/caj/2007/16/1.7160