Artificial Intelligence tools and resources policy
The purpose of this policy is to guide Clean Air Journal authors on the use of content generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in research publication.
Appropriate use of AI
The CAJ supports the appropriate use of AI tools and resources in the preparation of manuscripts provided ethics and scientific integrity are upheld. The appropriate uses are detailed in Table 1.
Table 1: Guidelines for appropriate use of AI tools and resources
How to declare use of AI
The use of AI and the extent thereof must be declared at the time of submission in the cover letter.
In addition, the use of AI that was used in the methods of the study have to be detailed in the methods section of the manuscript.
The use of AI not included in the methods should be declared at the end of the manuscript.
The declaration of AI usage in the cover letter and the manuscript should include the name, version, and manufacturer of the tool used, and the date on which it was accessed, for example:
(JenniAI, Version 02 July 2022, Open AI, accessed 16 May 2024)
If authors declare their use of AI, it creates transparency and trust between them and their reviewers, editors and readers
Any submission found to include inappropriate use of AI will be declined [or retracted if already published] and the Ethics and Malpractice Statement (link to Ethics and Malpractice Statement | Clean Air Journal) will come into effect.