An assessment of the employability of learners who attained their qualifications through recognition of prior learning in Botswana


  • Mishak Thiza Gumbo University of South Africa
  • Sethunya Ludo Serefete Gaborone University College of Law and Professional Studies
  • Reginald Oats University of Botswana



RPL, out-of-school education, training and development, human resource development


This study assessed the abilities and competencies of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) graduates in Botswana and their employability. Twelve participants identified from various RPL education and training fields, and hairdressing and beauty therapy services were interviewed. The findings indicate that RPL has overall life-shaping consequences for the learners involved and for this reason, it was highly embraced by participants; RPL gives learners access to post-school education, including other qualifications; RPL benefits learners and it is thus value for money invested by the Botswana Government. Therefore, the promotion of social inclusion should be embraced and adopted as a mode of assessment to capacitate human resource development in Botswana. The article concludes by recommending a partnership between Government and relevant institutions and organisations to audit skills in the country to uncover the unused skills, as well as to design RPL that is relevant to the local needs.


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How to Cite

Gumbo, M. T., Serefete, S. L., & Oats, R. (2023). An assessment of the employability of learners who attained their qualifications through recognition of prior learning in Botswana. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 118–131.


